IELTS speaking test 2020

IELTS speaking test 2021 – отличный пример устной части теста IELTS (АЙЛTС). Это реальный пробный онлайн тест по разговорной части в экзамене IELTS (АЙЛTС). Продолжительность: около 10 мин. Подготовьтесь таким образом, чтобы вас ничего не отвлекало во время записи своего ответа.

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Question list

School days

  • Tell me something about your secondary school.
  • Which subject did you find most difficult at school? [Why?]
  • Do you ever need that subject now? [Why? / Why not?]
  • What did you enjoy about being a school student?


    • Are there any famous buildings in your home town? [What are they?
    • In what type of building do most people in your home town live?
    • Should buildings be attractive to look at? [Why? t Why not?]
    • What is the most unusual building you have ever seen? [Why?]

Describe an interesting story that you heard or read about in the news.

You should say:

  • when you heard or read about the story
  • what the story was about
  • why the story was in the news and explain
  • why you thought the story was interesting.

Reading newspapers

  • When do people like to read the newspaper?
  • How important is it for people to have a choice of newspaper?
  • What does a ‘good’ newspaper contain?

The future of newspapers

  • Why do some people choose to read the news on the Internet rather than in a newspaper?
  • How is Internet news different from the news you read in the newspaper?
  • Will Internet news ever replace newspapers? [Why? I Why not?]

Обратная связь

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