Advanced points

61. My family ... thinking of moving to Birmingham.

62. We watched a ... on TV last night.

63. He was wearing ... riding boots.

64. ... he gets, ... .

65. It's ... if you take the train.

66. He ... very annoying.

67. That ... be Roger at the door - it's too early.

68. At last, after three days, they ... get to the top of the mountain.

69. It was crazy to drive like that. You ... killed somebody.

70. I wonder if John ... this evening.

71. Who ... you that ring?

72. He ... quite different since he .... married.

73. This is the first time I ... a sports car.

74. On her birthday ... .

75. We can't use the sports hall yet because it ... .

76. I look forward ... you soon.

77. If you have trouble going to sleep, try .. a glass of milk before bedtime.

78. This is my friend Joe. I ... met, have you?

79. How ... !

80. Which of these sentences are correct in spoken English?

81. Nobody phoned, did ...?

82. If you were ever in trouble, I would give you all the help you ... .

83. My wife will be upset ... .

84. Tell me at once ... Margaret arrives.

85. It's time you ... home, but I'd rather you ... here.

86. I wish I ... more time.

87. John Hastings, ... has just come to live in our street.

88. She keeps tapping her fingers, ... gets on my nerves.

89. Can you finish you job ... Friday?

90. There's a supermarket ... our house.

88. She keeps tapping her fingers, ... gets on my nerves.

88. She keeps tapping her fingers, ... gets on my nerves.

61. My family ... thinking of moving to Birmingham.

61. My family ... thinking of moving to Birmingham.